Want to see how Testim integrates with Tricentis SeaLights? | Find out here

Tests that deliver

Super-fast authoring. Amazingly stable tests.
Your way—low code, coded, or both!

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Trusted by happy customers worldwide

Expand test coverage

Fast authoring increases coverage and quality across your application.

Reduce maintenance

AI-based stabilizers eliminate flaky tests that consume resources.

Troubleshoot quickly

Diagnose failed tests, pinpointing root cause to fix bugs and release faster.

Scale quality

Efficiently expand testing operations with control, management, and insights.

Fast, flexible authoring. Unmatched stability. Efficiency at scale.

Meet modern UI test automation designed for agile teams.

  • Author Write stable tests faster

    Quickly record and configure tests with best-in-class flexibility through code. Our AI helps you build well-architected tests that lower maintenance.

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  • Maintain Tests you can trust

    AI-powered Smart Locators understand your app and lock-in elements to deliver unmatched stability. Minimize fixing and maximize quality.

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  • Troubleshoot Diagnose and resolve failures

    Expedite failure analysis with error aggregation, suggestions, comparison screenshots, and parsed logs. Find and fix without specialized expertise.

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  • TestOps Scale quality initiatives easier

    Effectively control changes, simplify management of teams and tests, and gain insights to prove your app’s quality and guide transformation.

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Fast, scalable test runs

Run parallel, cross-browser tests on our test cloud or Selenium-compatible grids.

Integrate with your CI and dev tools to run smoke tests on pull requests, end-to-end tests on release candidates, or full regression suites on a schedule.

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Network mocking

Test your app or function without dependent services. Auto-generate network HAR files and use them to simulate network responses. Learn more

Test run versatility

Trigger tests on demand, a schedule, or as part of your CI actions.

  • Jenkins
  • circleci
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • GitHub
  • Email
  • Visual studio
  • Trello
  • Codeship
  • Applitools
  • browserstack
  • TestRail
  • Strong Loop
  • SauceLabs
  • Travis CI
  • TeamCity

Fit your process

Testim integrates with the tools you already use so you can stay in your flow.

Learn about integrations

Companies that collaborate with testim

We were able to increase our coverage by 4-5x within 6 weeks of using Testim, running nightly full regression tests across four cloud/grid Testim VMs in parallel.

It used to take us 3 days to write a single test with Selenium. With Testim we do that in under an hour.

The friction of adding new tests with Testim is much lower than with Selenium, any staff member can add tests.

After the six hour workshop the teams had created 120 E2E tests, 80 of which are still running today.

Testim integrates well with tools we already use including Saucelabs, Jira and Github. The Testim CLI allows us to refine how we run tests to suit our needs.

The wow moment was when Testim took our most complex flow and automated it in a few days.

We can deploy our code confidently, because we know if it passes our Testim tests it will work for our users.

Reduced time to write stable tests from 1-2 days to 20-30 minutes, a savings of over 95%

The entire team including both programmers and non-programmers could now be involved in the quality efforts.

Start testing with testim