The Rise of Automation: Why Coding Is Becoming a Job for Everyone

In today's political climate, automation is a hot topic that is quickly dividing people across the country. While there’s no…

DevOps Cloud
By Testim,

In today’s political climate, automation is a hot topic that is quickly dividing people across the country. While there’s no denying automation is the way of the future, many people are hesitant that this new technology will mean less jobs for the average workers. That being said, automation isn’t all bad!

There are a lot of big changes coming to the workforce thanks to automation, and many of those changes bring with them a new wave of job opportunities. The demand for technology and coding jobs is on the rise! This is big news for the future of industry, and these changes can be a positive thing with the right mentality. Read on to delve deeper into the rise of automation and the future of coding!

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The rise of automation as we know it today.

It might be hard to think about how automation has changed drastically in the last few years. Nowadays, more and more “human” jobs are being overcome by advances in automotive technology. These changes first occurred in repetitive, labor-intense positions. Factory workers and farmers quickly became replaced by these automated machines which could do the work in faster time.

Humans have been using tools to produce faster results since the dawn of civilization. Cars replaced horses while robots now replace humans in many labor-intensive positions. People began to push back when factor jobs became harder and harder to find, and now it’s not just these factory positions in jeopardy. Today, automation is taking over jobs in more creative fields and thought related tasks. Sales positions, finance positions, and even healthcare positions are slowly being taken over by skilled automotive machines. In just a few years, who knows what automation will be able to do next!

With the rise of automation comes the rise of coding.

There’s no denying that the workforce is changing as automation because more mainstream. The jobs of the past will become more and more obsolete, and today’s workers will need to develop new ways to be competitive as employees. Coding is rising to meet this challenge. As the demand for automation grows, so does the need for skilled coders.

Coding positions are becoming the new factor jobs. As more works are gaining higher education, these coding positions will serve as the new baseline in coming years for a new workforce. This might seem hard to come to grips with, but these changes can be positive! A rising technological workforce allows modern workers more freedom as most of these positions can be performed remotely. Employers can advise your remote workers from anywhere in the world, making a more cooperative international economy.

There will be an need for all types of coders from .NET Core vs .NET Framework to new advanced technologies we haven’t developed yet. Not only does this mean there’s a demand for more workers, but the quality standards are also increasing. Employers are beginning to recognize that quantity and quality and not equal! That means the workers who are able to adapt their skills ambitiously will find greater success. The new rising workforce will rise to meet new challenges, and there’s no limits to the new heights of technology!

machine learning

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Modern workers are programmers.

Many people today fall into the mindset that these changes to the workforce are negative. This isn’t’ the case! It’s just different. Throughout history, technology improvements have altered the workforce and brought change. These modern changes towards automation might seem strange to our modern eyes, but in a few years they’ll be normal practice. Technology is the only way to move forward to a brighter tomorrow, and our workers will be prepared for any new challenges!