Struggling to get answers to these Test Automation questions? Watch the Recorded Webinar What constitutes an adequate degree of test automation coverage? Does every single function in the application need a corresponding test associated with it or just the core functionality? Does every application need a full end to end automation suite built out or just…
Tag: Test automation
Google recently announced that they released Puppeteer, a Node library which provides an API to control headless Chrome. Within 24hrs they received great feedback from the community; 6,685 stars on Github 2.2K likes and 1.2K shares on Twitter So why should we care? Here’s a snippet from its GitHub documentation: In Google’s own words, there…
Testing has been in the spotlight of software development, as organizations continually seek to optimize development cycles. Continuous Delivery and its promises of frequent releases, even as often as hourly, is a big factor driving executives to find ways to shave time off of any eligible technical processes. As enterprises embark on their DevOps transformational…
Testing is one of the key processes in software development. As the requirements to support multiple browsers and devices increases, it is driving the demand to automate the functional testing of applications. While teams embark on their DevOps transformational journeys, the handoffs between traditional application lifecycle silos begin to dismantle, enabling a continuous process of…
Is past performance an indicator of future success? The folks on Wall Street don’t think so… But we do! This is why we are pleased to offer the new Test History feature in Testim. What is it? The new Test History feature allows users to see historical test lists and suite runs. Why should…
Unit Tests are in the house! I’m a big advocate for TDD (Test Driven Development). Research shows TDD has a high correlation to quality code, as it prevents bugs from forming in the first place. Also, the cost of authoring tests and fixing bugs is lower This is true for the back-end. As for the…