I feel for you, front-end developers. Your toolchain is constantly changing. Is Angular still all the rage? Or is it Vue.js now? JavaScript or TypeScript? Not only that, but you have to create a beautiful and seamless user experience while ensuring the reliability of your app. Your apps also have to talk to remote web…
Tag: Test automation
Async code in JavaScript can be difficult at the best of times. When you add unit testing into that mix, trying to get your async code and your unit tests to play well together can feel very difficult at times. In today’s post, we’ll show you the different techniques you can use to effectively handle…
Code coverage guides us toward thoroughly tested and, ultimately, high quality code. And it’s with code coverage tooling that we’re able to understand the status of our current coverage. If you’re currently using Mocha to test your application, you’re in luck. Today we’re going to cover everything you need to know about getting set up…
Automated testing. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you say. “I know it reduces bugs and increases code reliability and allows us to have fearless deployments.” You might think, “I have automated unit tests of our front-end and back-end code. I have integration tests of interactions between our front end and our API and between our API and…
This post aims to answer a simple question, which is, indeed, its title: “Which tools are used for unit testing in Angular?” I bet most people when they hear this question immediately answer “Jasmine and Karma,” and that makes sense. After all, these are the default tools installed along with Angular CLI, so they represent…
Today we’re here to talk about JavaScript unit testing in Visual Studio. If you’re a .NET developer creating web applications in Visual Studio, it makes sense for you to use just a single environment to test both your C# (or another .NET language) code and your JavaScript code. In this post, we’re going to walk…
You’ve built yourself a web application, and it’s doing pretty well. That’s great! If you’re like a lot of site owners, you might not be able to shake the feeling that you could be doing better. What if you tweaked that design? What if you put that button front and center, instead of hiding it…
Looking to test your JavaScript and/or TypeScript code? Then you could do worse than go for testing with Mocha and Chai. These two libraries are among the most popular tools that developers use to write tests for JavaScript or TypeScript code. But if you’re not familiar with them yet, let me show you how easy…
Have you ever wondered how software development companies set up their test environments? Moreover, how they manage all these different environments? Setting up test environments introduces many new struggles, like how to manage all these environments. It’s often difficult to create an exact replica of your production environment. Besides that, manually creating those environments requires…
Every company developing a product should have tests in place. Testing is an essential part of product development, especially to guarantee quality. Many smaller and mid-sized companies don’t give testing much attention even though it’s essential for delivering a strong product. Just like it’s important to have tests in place, it also matters how we…