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Tag: Test automation

Today we’re here to talk about JavaScript end-to-end testing (E2E testing for short). Most web applications are written in JavaScript so when you think of E2E testing for JavaScript, you are simply saying, E2E testing for web applications. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know that we’ve covered E2E testing in…

tl;dr Testim is launching Root Cause, a new open source software project to capture screenshots, console logs, and network logs to help troubleshoot Puppeteer and Playwright tests. The project is hosted on GitHub and maintained by Testim.  Testim is also launching the Testim Root Cause cloud service, a SaaS-based offering using the Root Cloud code…

Collaboration is key to a successful project!  Working on a group project always raises challenges, but with automation projects, where the UI keeps changing and components are shared, collaboration is essential. This is even more true when the projects and teams are large. In this blog, I’ll share some of the best practices we’ve developed…

We practice reuse every day, such as recycling cans and bottles or giving new life to old objects by repurposing them. Why? Because it saves resources and time.  One of the fundamental principles of software engineering is reuse. We create methods or functions that we call instead of duplicating code. This is also true for…

Testing your application before releasing it plays a very important role in the success of the product. There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to how your customers might use your product. This uncertainty increases when it comes to web applications because the way customers operate and access your product is diverse. With numerous…

A crucial step when developing software is deciding when and how to test. Choosing the scope of the tests and when to apply these tests is also very important. Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its parts to determine whether it meets its operating specifications. A test’s scope indicates what is of…

Had enough false positives because of in-app messages and chat pop-ups? Do you happen to have a test failing every once in a while because of chat pop-ups that appear on any page at any time and cover the element you are looking to click on? If you ever had in-app messages and walkthroughs that…

Making a good impression on your customers is very important for your business. The best way to impress your customers is by making your product speak for you. Along with creating a good impression, your product also decides how much money you make. To make sure this happens, you need to test your product to…

The battle of XPath vs CSS Selector is one that people approach differently—mostly because of preferences rather than the various implications of using either of the options. If you’ve ever had to pick between using XPath and CSS selectors, most likely the environment you were working in had more to do with your choice than…

What are front-end tests? Why are they important? How do you make the most of them? We’ll answer those and more questions in this post. We’ll start by defining front-end testing. Then, we’ll talk about the main reasons to use it and describe some types of front-end tests. After that, we wrap-up with tips on…