According to the US Software Engineering Institute, 50% of defects are due to bad specifications. Are you managing a software team or responsible for looking at their end-to-end delivery processes holistically? Then, join this round-table discussion with Sam Hatoum, CEO of as he shares how he’s implemented proper specifications throughout projects he’s worked on…
Tag: software testing
Growing up as Testers in the software testing industry, we often go through a lot of thoughts and have several questions in mind such as: How do I learn about software testing? I like my job but how do I get to the next level? Am I good at my job? There are so many…
As many yoga instructors do, they encouraged students to find balance. It’s an effective bit of advice in that it puts the onus on the practitioner. It’s also a popular concept for software testing, as industry experts often recommend that software teams find the balance between automation and manual testing practices. Another similarity is the…