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Tag: shift left

The software testing life cycle is the sequence of activities that happen during software testing. By employing a sane software testing life cycle, an organization ends up with a quality strategy more likely to produce better results. Why is this so important, though? It all boils down to customer satisfaction. Presenting a perfect product to the…

Have you ever experienced a software project that ran out of budget or time? You probably did. Believe it or not, incorrect planning often isn’t the root cause of a project running out of time. The real problem lies in the way the project validates the code. In other words, it all boils down to…

In our recent Ask Me Anything event, our community joined guest speaker, Benjamin Gruenbaum, Testim Dev Leader, to get all of their questions around Testim automation and software development answered.   The Testim Community is a free platform where developers and QA automation professionals can learn from peers, attend online events with industry leaders, and…

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) is arguably the most misunderstood type of software testing out there. It’s also one of the most important ones. Why? Because it’s the type of testing that most closely resembles the experience of a real user working with the application. We’ve already published an introductory guide to E2E testing. Today, we…

By: Sofía Palamarchuk for Abstracta If you work in the software industry, you’ve most likely heard about the popular term, “shift-left testing.” With Agile practices like TDD, BDD, CI and DevOps becoming mainstream, “shift-left” is the answer to how testing fits in, and must be done in order for them to become a reality. Instead…

One of the most important factors related to automated tests is “Maintenance”. A lot of effort is spent on maintaining the tests than writing actual tests.  A recent study suggested about 30% of testers time is spent on maintenance.This leads to wastage of valuable time and effort by the resources, which they could have rather…

Should the goals and principles of DevOps be the same for every company? Is it possible for every company to reach CI/CD?  Software delivery teams come in all different shapes and sizes. Each team has its own DNA that has organically evolved through generations of diverse experiences, skill sets, tools, technologies and sets of processes….

Practical steps to shift left Last month we published “Do you know how much your quality costs?” where we discussed the importance of shifting left and shortening the feedback loop as it relates to the cost of quality. According to IBM System Science Institute Relative Cost of Fixing Defects, discovering a bug and fixing a…

Do you how much quality costs? Have you ever calculated it? If you do, you’ll learn that you spend thousands of dollars and hours of productivity on every bug. From the cost of labor, to the cost of deployment, to the cost of finding the bugs in production, no bug fix is free. Many companies…