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Automated Testing or Test Automation? You Need Both

When we talk about automation applied to the testing field, there are two expressions you’ll often hear thrown around: “automated…

Automated Testing
By Testim,

When we talk about automation applied to the testing field, there are two expressions you’ll often hear thrown around: “automated testing” and “test automation.” But wait a minute. Aren’t automated testing and test automation the same thing? As it turns out, no. They are related concepts, but each one has a very specific meaning and purpose. And make no mistake: in order for your software organization to thrive, you’ll need both.

If up until now you thought that these two concepts are the same, don’t feel bad. For starters, you’re definitely not alone. People often mistake the two terms for one another. And secondly, your confusion ends today. That’s what this post is all about, after all.

We’ll begin by defining the two terms. Then we’ll dive a little deeper into each one of them, explaining their importance in an organization, also showing how they differently affect each role inside the team. Finally, we part ways by giving some additional tips. Let’s get started!

Defining “Automated Testing”

Right at the start of this post, we claim that “automated testing” and “test automation” aren’t the same thing, even if their names seem to imply otherwise. We’ve also told you that both are critical for your overall testing strategy. Finally, after a brief detour on the importance of testing in general, it’s time to define both approaches, clarifying how they are different—and similar—to one another.

Let’s start out by defining automated testing. And to be fair, that couldn’t be easier. “Automated testing” is just the process of automatically running a specific set of tests and verifying their results, instead of doing it manually. When you run your suite of unit tests on your development machine, you’re performing automated testing. When the CI server runs all of your unit and integration tests when someone pushes new commits to it, it’s also performing automated testing.

That’s pretty much all there is to it. With that out of the way, let’s continue to “test automation”, where things will probably be a little bit trickier.

Defining “Test Automation”

Now it’s time to define “test automation.” What is it and how it differs from the definition you’ve just read in the previous section? While automated testing is basically the running of automated tests, “test automation” is a way broader concept. It refers to completely automating the whole process of managing the different testing needs inside an organization.

Out of context, the line above most likely doesn’t explain much. Things will get a lot easier in the following sections, in which we’ll contextualize the two approaches, explaining how they fit into the overall quality strategy of a software organization and who each one benefits the most.

Automated Testing: Who Does It Help?

To really draw the distinction between automated testing and test automation, it’s important to show how they affect the different roles inside a software organization. Let’s start with automated testing. Which role in an organization benefits the most from this approach? The way I see it, the answer is clear: developers. And why is that?

A Unit Testing Example

For the sake of the argument, let’s focus on unit testing for a while. “Unit tests” is not a really great name if you think about it. No one seems to agree on what “unit” really means, for starters. But the main problem is that they aren’t really “tests.” The best way to think about unit tests is to consider them executable specifications. The term “programmer tests” has also been proposed a few times, and it makes sense. Unit tests are written by programmers, for programmers, in order to “prove”, at least to some degree of confidence, that a given piece of code really does what it’s supposed to do.

Automated Testing Is a Developer Confidence Booster

It isn’t that much of a stretch to expand our definition of “executable specifications” to also include integration tests. A common definition of integration tests would be “unit tests, kind of, but they use the real database/filesystem/etc instead of mocking/stubbing it.” Let’s do just that, then: let’s stretch our definition of “executable specifications” in order to also include integration tests. And let’s go further and pull all of that under the “automated testing” umbrella. What do we get from all of that defining and stretching?

The answer seems clear to me: the main beneficiary of “automated testing” in a software organization is the developer. Or, in other words: automated testing is a tool to achieve developer sanity. It allows developers to fearlessly refactor, knowing that they have a reliable safety net in the form of a comprehensive test suite that will warn them if they break something.

Test Automation: Who Does It Help?

We’ll now turn our focus to test automation and repeat the same analysis we just did with automated testing. Who benefits the most from test automation? The answer, again, is clear: the organization as a whole, with a special focus on the DevOps professionals. To understand why, we have to go back in time, to the (not so) good old days of the waterfall methodology.

Once Upon A Time, During The Dark Ages

In organizations that employ this methodology (and similar ones), testing is nothing but another phase in the whole cycle. And the testing phase tends to happen at the end of the cycle. More often than not, this is too little, too late. The feedback cycles slow down, reducing the usefulness and efficiency of the whole testing strategy. Nowadays, companies are moving toward a world of continuous development, deployment. They can’t afford to wait forever for the feedback from testing. The testing itself has to be continuous so that quality can be ensured at all phases of development. Automation can come in handy in this situation.

Here Comes The Enlightenment (i.e. Continuous Testing)

Automation is the missing link. It can provide the speed and consistency that you need in order to have continuous testing up-and-running. Manually managing the testing needs in such an environment would not only be incredibly hard and error-prone but also time-consuming, which in fact defeats the whole point of doing it in the first place.

By automating the managing of said testing needs, test automation helps organizations keep quality at the highest standards during the whole development cycle. Furthermore, it frees QA professionals from managing the minutia of testing needs, which means they can focus on creating more efficient case tests to ensure the application’s quality.

Automated Testing And Test Automation. You Need Both. ASAP

In today’s post, we’ve clarified the confusion between “Automated Testing” and “Test Automation”. Yep, the naming could use a little less ambiguity. But the concepts themselves are really different. However, they’re equally important if you want your organization to continue delivering software to the highest standards of quality. Automated testing is important, especially for giving your developers the confidence to fearlessly refactor their code,  which contributes to higher quality code, without a doubt.

But test automation becomes critical when your company starts moving towards a continuous development/continuous deployment scenario. Do you want your company to continue thriving in this brave new DevOps world? Put test automation to work for you and your organization.

This post was written by Carlos Schults. Carlos is a .NET software developer with experience in both desktop and web development, and he’s now trying his hand at mobile. He has a passion for writing clean and concise code, and he’s interested in practices that help you improve app health, such as code review, automated testing, and continuous build.