Applications have become more advanced than ever. They’re not just used to get or share information. Applications today are capable of doing almost everything—ordering products, writing an essay for you, completing financial transactions, and much more. To be able to do all this, applications need to deal with sensitive data. Sensitive data attracts malicious actors…
Month: August 2021
On Testim, we value the quality and accuracy of our codebase. For this reason, we have extensive use of TypeScript. TypeScript has many advanced options that can help you fine-tune the compiler to your project’s requirements. Some of them are more straightforward, like the declaration option. Some of them seem obvious at first glance but…
Unit testing is important to verify the behavior of the smallest units of code in your application. It helps improve the quality of your code and reduces the amount of time and money you spend on bug fixing. Moreover, unit testing helps you find bugs early on in the development life cycle and increases your…
As a web developer, one of the thorniest issues I run into is testing functionality in my web UI. I understand the importance of automated software testing, but writing tests for a UI is difficult. For starters, parsing HTML your server generates is difficult. It is possible to run your tests in a system like…