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Year: 2020

In this mini-series (Netflix, are you listening?), Tom Shlaim, Automation Engineer at ironSource will walk you through the process of building an environment for independent tests. For this journey, all that you will need is the desire to learn something new. Let’s get started! In this introductory post, you will learn about the following: The…

Testim’s support for global variables and parameters is most excellent. However, when I create custom actions that either takes parameters or uses global variables, I ran into an interesting situation. I wanted to define my global variable in a custom step and set it to a default value if it was never set. Also, so…

Your company is going Agile. Now everyone talks about frequent and iterative deployments. If you’re a tester or QA person, that can scare you about what your world will look like. Will you be expected to test a codebase that changes daily with no breaks or time to breathe? Alternatively, you’ve heard that some teams…

At Testim.io we care about code quality and UX. For this reason, we use various tools that make development easier and more accurate. Among others, we use Stylelint to lint our SCSS and CSS files. One of the powerful features of stylelint is the ability to add rules of your own, which will fit your project’s needs. While stylelint…

In the realm of software testing, GUI testing is an interesting and somewhat controversial topic. There is confusion when it comes to defining what GUI testing is—some people might mix it up with UI testing, for instance. In the same way, there might be some overlap of concerns between GUI testing and E2E testing, which…

Today we’re here to talk about JavaScript end-to-end testing (E2E testing for short). Most web applications are written in JavaScript so when you think of E2E testing for JavaScript, you are simply saying, E2E testing for web applications. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know that we’ve covered E2E testing in…

tl;dr Testim is launching Root Cause, a new open source software project to capture screenshots, console logs, and network logs to help troubleshoot Puppeteer and Playwright tests. The project is hosted on GitHub and maintained by Testim.  Testim is also launching the Testim Root Cause cloud service, a SaaS-based offering using the Root Cloud code…

Collaboration is key to a successful project!  Working on a group project always raises challenges, but with automation projects, where the UI keeps changing and components are shared, collaboration is essential. This is even more true when the projects and teams are large. In this blog, I’ll share some of the best practices we’ve developed…

When validating textual data on a page, sometimes it is desirable to validate the text numerically instead of textually.  This can include calculations as well as checking that a value is positive, negative, non-zero, or greater than some expected value. In this blog, I’m going to show you how to do a numeric validation in…

We practice reuse every day, such as recycling cans and bottles or giving new life to old objects by repurposing them. Why? Because it saves resources and time.  One of the fundamental principles of software engineering is reuse. We create methods or functions that we call instead of duplicating code. This is also true for…