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Month: March 2020

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Customers want more features, and they want them yesterday. At the same time, everyone wants fewer bugs. You know what they say. Speed, quality, and money: pick any two, but not all three. At least your developers and testers appreciate what you’re dealing with. They understand the need to test what…

Sometimes we build an app with good intentions, but the DOM elements are not created or put in place as we planned. This is especially true if we are creating pages dynamically from a database, which is very common with most websites using a content management system (CMS). We can investigate how our application is…

There are plenty of opinions about software testing, but what exactly is it? First and foremost, it’s a process that’s designed to assure quality and verify that your application performs as expected. And software testing isn’t exclusive to just one language or framework. Today, we’re going to talk about software testing with Jasmine. More specifically,…

The JavaScript world offers plenty of options for … well, pretty much everything. Today we’ll focus on testing tools, answering the question “What is the best JavaScript framework?” We’ll walk you through five of the most popular JavaScript testing frameworks and, by the end of the article, we’ll be electing the one we think is…

Functional testing helps you validate the requirements of your software. For instance, you’ll want to verify if each function or component of the application works as expected. You can do this with various types of testing that all fall under the functional testing umbrella. The software you develop should also meet functional specifications. For example,…

Every business owner wants to see their firm grow, right? Constant progress is like a dream come true for any company. Of course, making it happen is a whole other challenge. And do you know what’s the biggest hurdle in making this dream come true? People are unaware of how they can use resources to…