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Quality, Automation and AI

Component Testing

Component Testing

I’ve been doing automation since 2012. This is the era where the CI ecosystem became more approachable for companies which…
Failure is the Most Valuable Currency

Failure is a valuable currency

Failure tends to strike at the worst possible moment, making it much harder to embrace it. This has led me…

Start building AI-powered, self-healing, end-to-end tests

  • Record and configure tests fast
  • Minimize test maintenance
  • Scale your team and projects
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Test Automation

It's 2024 and AI is now a normal part of our lives, and especially of our work as testers. And…
Guide to Mockito Spy

Mockito Spy: A Guide to When and How to Use It

Mockito is a popular open-source mocking library for Java, and as such, it's useful for those wanting to unit test…
Selendroid for End-to-End

An Introduction to Selendroid For End-to-End Testing

What Is Selendroid? Selendroid, in short, is Selenium, but for Android. It’s a test automation framework powered by the Selenium…
Testing Best Practices You Must Implement

Testing Best Practices You Must Implement

We all know the importance of software testing, but the benefits it brings to the project are proportional to how…
Best Practices