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Free Tools to Improve
Test Automation

Automate Screen Capture

Testim Root Cause simplifies screen capture and troubleshooting for Puppeteer and Playwright tests.

Record Tests as Code

Puppeteer and Playwright Recorders accelerate test authoring and accuracy with visual editing.

Why free dev tools?

We’re software engineers and testers too! Our mission is to make software quality easy. Our recorders speed authoring of coded tests that you run and manage on your platform. ScreenPlay simplifies the capturing and rendering of screenshots to improve troubleshooting. Enjoy them now.

Our only ask is that you think of us when you are ready for a more advanced solution that uses AI to create amazingly stable tests—in code or codeless.

Have a question?

  • Are these tools free for unlimited use?

    We are constantly trying new things. Some of them turn into features of the product, and others are provided to the community to use. Because they are free, there is no guarantee of usability, though we will do our best to make sure they work and are updated.

  • Where do I go for information or support?

    As these tools are free and work with open-source frameworks, we ask that you try self-service options first.

    For challenges with automation frameworks, go to the respective projects on GitHub for support ( Puppeteer , Playwright ).

    If you are having trouble with Testim tools, please try the docs first:

    – Puppeteer and Playwright recorders see Playground docs
    ScreenPlay docs

  • Are these tools available as open-source?

    We love open-source software and many of our developers are contributors to open-source projects. We have not open-sourced these tools yet, but are evaluating that possibility. Stay tuned.